ISTA testing standards were developed by the 国际安全运输协会 in 1948 to reduce the cost of damaged goods to manufacturers and distributors of fragile goods. 今天, ISTA封装测试标准在业内应用最为广泛, and help anticipate and prevent the most common issues facing manufacturers and shippers.

im体育APP’s ISTA testing laboratories are approved by the 国际安全运输协会, giving member customers the ability to label their products with The ISTA Transit Tested 认证 Mark. Our world class facilities offer a broad range of capabilities to serve clients, from the development of new 包装 technology to failure-related and customer-required performance testing of existing designs.

im体育APP offers results-driven ISTA package testing solutions to customers across a wide range of industries, 包括消费品包装, 医疗器械包装, 食品包装, 并制造工业包装制品.


  • 压缩测试
  • 跌落、冲击和冲击测试
  • 环境模拟 (温度、湿度、海拔等.)
  • 胶带附着力测试
  • 振动测试
  • 测试后样品处理
  • 预调节的步入式环境室

采用专业的检测设备和训练有素的技术人员, we subject packages like yours to a wide variety of tests that replicate shipping conditions in national and international settings. 除了ISTA测试标准, we frequently develop custom testing programs for specialized packages; our customized shipping simulations can anticipate nearly any hazard a package may encounter while passing through a specialized distribution system.


Astm d3228, Astm d4169, Astm d6551, Astm f1980


美联储- std - 101 c


ISTA 1, ISTA 1 b, ISTA 1 c, ISTA 1 d, ISTA 1 e, ISTA 1克, ISTA 1 h, ISTA 2, ISTA 2 b, ISTA 2摄氏度, ISTA 2 d, ISTA 3, ISTA 3 b, ISTA 3 c, ISTA 3 d, ISTA 3 e, ISTA 3 f, ISTA 3 g, ISTA 4 ab, ISTA上午6点(亚马逊), ISTA 6FX(联邦快递 & 联邦快递b), ISTA 6SC(山姆会员店),ISTA 7D



The ISTA testing methodologies are divided into seven series depending on which test variables are involved. 有六个有效的测试方案系列, and im体育APP is one of the few commercial laboratories who perform methodologies from all of these series.


  • ISTA 1系列-非模拟完整性性能测试 这一系列测试的一般强度和可行性的包装. It also evaluates how the product interacts inside the 包装 during transit. These tests are very basic, and are generally used as a yardstick for minimum 包装 requirements. 不像后来的系列,不需要环境测试.
  • ISTA 2系列-部分模拟性能测试 A step up from the 1 Series, these tests also determine basic performance requirements for packages. However, they also include at least one of the environmental requirements found in Series 3. These are good tests for packages that aren’t going to be put through particular strenuous transit situations.
  • ISTA 3系列。一般模拟性能试验 Series 3 constitutes what most people generally think of as standard 包装 tests. These tests simulate the forces that usually cause damage to products in shipment, 如振动和冲击, 跌落和冲击试验, 大气调节. 它们还包括可以模拟不同车辆和类型的方法. ISTA Series 3 is chosen for product/package combinations that are prone to damage, 或者是那些容易造成更大破坏的路线或交通方式.
  • ISTA 4系列-增强模拟性能测试 系列4使用系列3的标准测试方法, 但也至少使用一个集中模拟测试, which is customized to mimic actual recorded conditions your packages experience during shipment and storage.
  • ISTA 6系列-构件性能测试 Series 6 contains ISTA-accepted methodologies which have been developed by a member company to suit their specific testing needs. im体育APP performs Series 6 tests developed by shipping giants such as Amazon, FedEx, and Sam’s Club.
  • ISTA 7系列-开发测试 Series 7 tests are specifically used in the development of transport containers and packages. These tests can be used to compare two or more designs but are not suited to evaluate the protection provided by the 包装.


Our experienced engineers and scientists can help you choose the most appropriate set of ITSA testing methodologies based upon your product and end goals.

One of the main considerations when choosing an ISTA testing series is the end goal you wish to achieve. 一些测试系列提供简单的强度测试, 通常用作筛选测试或性能基准. 其他, 更稳健的系列包括环境模拟, 比如振动和冲击, which desire to simulate standard conditions your 包装 might experience during storage and transit. The most comprehensive testing programs are customized to mimic the actual conditions your packages experience, 允许更多增强的模拟测试.

在确定了最终目标之后, an additional factor to take into account is the weight and configuration of the package. ISTA testing methods separate different weight classes and 包装 types into letter categories, A到H. Packages under 150 lb (generally noted as A) are tested under a different set of guidelines than those above 150 lbs (generally noted as B). There is also a difference between testing packages destined for parcel delivery, 与那些被运输的货物相比. 最后, 您需要考虑您的包是否是一个独立的项目, 或分成单位(被ISTA称为“unitized”), 标记为E).

An experienced testing laboratory can help you choose the most appropriate set of ITSA testing methodologies based upon your product and end goals. Contact im体育APP today to discuss your project with one of our package testing experts.



我们的交付是确定性-高质量的数据, test reports and certificates that you can absolutely rely on when making decisions about your materials and compliance. 今天就和专家交流.




容器 & 包测试

im体育APP运行经ista批准, full-service package and container testing labs dedicated to evaluating the performance of your 包装—wherever and however it needs to go.



Compression testing is most commonly performed as part of an ISTA 包测试 series. Tests can be performed in multiple directions and with atmospheric pre-conditioning.



Learn more about our laboratories - where they are located; the unique capabilities they have and how they can help you solve your technical and commercial challenges.



im体育APP can provide you with critically important data on your product or part's performance in response to typical or extreme environmental stresses and conditions. 


我们的团队超过9人,在北美聘用了000名专家, 欧洲, 中东地区, 澳大利亚, 亚洲和非洲随时准备帮助你们.
