
Understanding 氢 Permeation 测试 on Non-Metallic Materials

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格林摩根 is an expert in the application of 弹性体, 热塑性塑料 and composite polymer materials within the 石油 and Gas sector.

随着越来越多的国家联合起来,在宣布气候紧急状态后承诺去碳化, the demand for clean energy has never been greater. The need to realize the potential of cleaner, smarter energy sources like 氢 is now more urgent than ever. If countries are going to meet their net zero emissions targets, 人们普遍认为,氢将需要发挥至关重要的作用.

According to the 氢 Council, there are currently over 30 countries with 氢 roadmaps, and 228 large-scale 氢 projects announced across the value chain, with 85% located in 欧洲, 亚洲, 和澳大利亚. If all projects come to fruition, 到2030年,总投资将超过3000亿美元. 

The successful deployment of , 然而, 将严重依赖于适当的基础设施和材料(包括弹性体, 热塑性塑料, and 复合材料), and the assurance and testing required to ensure their safety and longevity. 


Why is 氢 permeation testing the solution?

Due to 氢’s small molecular size, it can permeate through polymeric, 或非金属, 材料比甲烷或其他传统上与化石燃料相关的气体要快得多. 这包括含有高比例玻璃纤维或碳纤维的复合材料,如用于管道的复合材料. This means it is vital to identify which materials behave best, how well they resist 氢, and how long they can be expected to remain serviceable. 

氢气渗透测试可以为制造商提供重要的知识,例如,如果减压循环将损害结构完整性,有多少氢气将通过材料, 以及材料是否能够在约定的时间内继续使用.

The testing has long been a critical part of the 石油和天然气 industry’s safety processes, 测量密封件等深井部件的渗透率特性, pressure barriers and liners. As the 氢 economy expands, more and more industries beyond 石油和天然气, and 氢 generation and transmission, are also looking to 氢, making the testing more commonplace in other industries such as aerospace, 运输, and heavy industry for items such as fuel system components, 氢 storage tanks, and chemical processing infrastructures.


What is 氢 permeation testing?

氢气渗透测试包括分析材料性能的三个关键方面. 首先, 高压气体渗透测试可以测量氢气通过材料的速度, 例如, 甲烷, and at pressures up to 150 bar and temperatures from sub-zero to 200C. im体育APP, 例如, 目前,该公司在150 bar的压力下对弹性体和热塑性塑料进行了氢气测试,并计划将该能力提高到600 bar,并且已经能够将渗透率与之前测试过的气体进行比较.

下图显示了氢和甲烷在40℃和40 bar下通过热塑性塑料的渗透率, with 氢 permeating approximately 40 times faster than methane.

氢 vs Methane permeation through a thermoplastic
Figure 1: 氢 vs Methane permeation through a thermoplastic

其次,作为渗透过程的一部分,气体溶解在材料中. When the applied pressure is removed, 这种气体试图从材料中逸出,并可能在加工过程中造成损坏, referred to as rapid 气体 decompression (RGD) damage. 有些气体会对包括复合材料在内的非金属材料造成严重的问题. 氢气造成损坏的可能性需要调查,因为它有影响组件完整性的风险, as shown in the GRE pipe wall below. This testing can be undertaken at pressures up to 150 bar and 150C.

Example of RGD damage to a GRE pipe wall
Figure 2: Example of RGD damage to a GRE pipe wall

The third aspect focuses on aging, 研究非金属材料长期暴露在氢中的表现. 这是通过测量材料在氢饱和时机械性能随时间的变化来解决的. 在复合材料, 它是纤维和树脂基体之间的界面,在那里降解机制可能变得明显. 该测试可以在150 bar和150 c下进行数月,以复制或加速使用条件.



To which standards do im体育APP test f或非金属 materials?



  • Permeation ASTM D1434, ISO 2782-1
  • RGD iso 23936
  • Ageing ISO 23936
  • NORSOK m - 710
  • Plus, many NACE and API-relevant standards


除了, im体育APP可以与您一起设计和实施定制的渗透测试程序, 我们经常为客户提供o型圈和密封元件等部件. If required, we can also integrate several 聚合物测试 methods into a single test program.



Key considerations when preparing to undertake 氢 permeation testing?


When preparing to test, 重要的是,制造商清楚地知道他们想从这个过程中获得什么, 无论是识别渗透速率还是了解和修改材料或组分以降低渗透. 样品也需要适当的考虑,以确保程序的成功.

可能需要事先考虑的问题包括组件或材料的使用期限, if decompression is likely to be an issue during operation,
如果组件将在一个封闭的环境中,在这个环境中,渗透H2的积累可能会变得危险, and if a long pipeline permeating m3 of H2 will be economically viable. 我们的氢气专家与制造商密切合作,准备测试, 帮助确保正确的问题已经提出,以确保顺利的测试过程.

im体育APP在高压气体环境下测试材料方面拥有30年的经验,现在正在与其他寻求利用氢气的im体育平台app下载分享其在石油和天然气im体育平台app下载开发的专业知识. A member of the Henry Royce Institute 委员会, the UK’s National Institute for Advanced Materials Research and Innovation, im体育APP还参与了ISO 23936系列标准的编写.


很少有测试公司能够在这个领域展示成熟的专业知识和能力, 我们的专家在渗透和减压损伤机制方面积累了丰富的经验,包括对各种材料和部件在高压下的现象进行视觉观察. 
For more information about 氢 permeation testing, im体育APP 今天.

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